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The New Yorker, Alex Ross

5.12.16 Germany, on the other hand, increasingly appears to be the strongest remaining bastion of liberal democracy. With the United Kingdom mired in the aftermath of Brexit, France facing a possible hard-right swerve, and Italy in disarray, the country that long stood as a synonym for nationalist insanity has so far resisted political and cultural regression. Tellingly, it has rejected the libertarian code of the big Silicon Valley companies, with their disdain for privacy, copyright, and limitations on hate speech. On the day after the American election, which happened to be the seventy-eighth anniversary of Kristallnacht, a neo-Nazi group posted a map of Jewish businesses in Berlin, titled “Jews Among Us.” Facebook initially refused to take down the post, but an outcry in the media and among lawmakers prompted its deletion. Such episodes suggest that Germans are less likely to acquiesce to the forces that have ravaged the American public sphere.

The defeat of the Freedom Party candidate in the Austrian Presidential election is a hopeful sign: perhaps the German-speaking countries can remind the rest of the world of the darkness of their former path. Still, the far right is creeping forward in Germany, as it is all over Europe. No coming political race will be as tensely watched as Angela Merkel’s run next year for reëlection as Chancellor. The ultimate fear isn’t of the second coming of Hitler: history never repeats itself so obviously, and a sense of shame over the Nazi past remains pervasive in all corners of German life. No, the fear is that the present antidemocratic wave may prove too strong even for Germany—the only country in the history of the world that ever learned from its mistakes.

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Was mich immer wieder wundert ist, wie alle sofort da sind, wenn man um Hilfe schreit. Familie, Freunde, Bekannte, Nachbarn. Alle. Das ist eine Art Rückversicherung, die man alle paar Jahre nur jedem wünschen könnte.
Wenn nichts mehr geht, kommt unheimlich viel in Gang. *kalauert **dankt

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Dieses >>>hier war eine schöne Dokumentationsreihe letzte Woche bei ARTE: Stadtoasen/wiederbelebte Stadtbrachen in Budapest, Leipzig, London, Paris und New York. Viele Ideen, viele Projekte, ganz unterschiedliche Ansätze.

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20 Jahre selbstständig. Und immer vom Schreiben gelebt. Von Text, von Anfang an, auf so vielen Ebenen. *klopft auf Holz Ein Hoch auf das Germanistikstudium – wer hätte das gedacht, dass es beruflich so viel hergäbe? Ich nicht. Ich dachte, damit stehe ich mit leeren Händen da. Au contraire.

Und letzte Woche so viele, so wichtige, so liebenswerte, grundloyale, unkorrumpierbare Freunde von lang her und ganz lang her getroffen, dass es eine solche Bereicherung war.

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Until next year

„No, 2016 is not the worst year ever, but it’s the year I started feeling like the Internet would only ever induce the sense of powerlessness that comes when the sphere of what a person can influence remains static, while the sphere of what can influence us seems to expand without limit, allowing no respite at all.“ Von Jia Tolentino

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